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Thursday, 10 July 2008

N is for...


 lunar echo

I am a night owl. I seem to get most work done in the hours of darkness and feel more at peace then, too. Of course, at this time of year and the heat it brings, I love the cool evenings even better... It has always been thus and I suspect always shall be.

The photo above was an attempt at capturing the face of the Man in the Moon, but all the photos turned out a big blur of light except for this one, which although does have the big blur of light, it also managed to capture some kind of reflection through my window pane. I like it a lot!

Night. Excepting end-of-term hysteria in this student town, the nights are quiet here. 3am is so still. And night-time has so many photographic personalities.

  Foggy night in Tours

Colours are exaggerated yet muted around a street lamp on a foggy evening, or sharpened and enhanced with reflections from water...

 Amsterdam Gracht

It makes me think of home...

View from my parents house to my grand-parents house


...but then it can also invoke annoyance. See the big, wide-open space between the 2 houses here? It opens up to the field in the heart of the village... See an earlier post entitled 'There Goes My Childhood' for further explanations of my disgust about the future of this view...

But, the night is not always my friend. Insomnia strikes occasionally and then any lure of the dark and love of the night flees from my soul and I pace the apartment muttering not-so-sweet nothings to my over-active brain. I must admit that the first time I ever appreciated French tv was during one of these episodes.  Falling asleep to re-runs of the Simpsons in French leads to strange dreams, however.

My last sleepless night was a few days ago... Or a few nights ago, if you prefer. The tv wasn't doing anything for me, camomile tea only made me closer acquaintances with my porcelain necessarium and pacing about hurt my foot too much. My eyes fell on my knitting, but I knew I wasn't in the mood for cables, or indeed anything that entertained a certain brain-using thinky-type element. Some no-counting mindless knitting was called for. I saw the silver wire and a tube of little shiny beads (oo - shiny), sat down and ended up with the beginnings of this.

Pointless and Arbitrary Wind Catcher 

I dedicate this wind-chime-catcher to the Completely Pointless and Arbitrary Group on Ravelry. It seems apt. It will neither catch the wind nor chime, but it looks pretty and shiny and sparkly and, well, does it need any more point than that?

It's made from quite a few metres of 28-gauge silver wire and a multitude of little silver and glass beads. 

oo - shiny...

And at that I shall off and switch on every light in my flat. There's a thunderstorm brewing and, ironically, they frighten me when it's dark outside...


  1. Anonymous said...
    "porcelain necessarium" HA!

    Your wind catcher is lovely. I haven't tried knitting with wire. I've heard it's hard on the hands. How did you find it?

    Thunderstorms here in the Midwest are terrifying. I liked the storms back in New England, but the ones here are completely different. I imagine it's because there aren't any mountains or anything to slow them down. Lots of tornadoes around here too. I've not experienced one of those yet.

    I've had a few sleepless nights myself lately. I'm not sure what that's all about. Hopefully your brain will cooperate soon!
    Lab Cat said...
    If that's what you end up with when you have insomnia and want mindless knitting I am almost tempted to wish you more of them.

    A great N even though I am not a night owl myself.

    I still need to take pictures for my N.
    sloth-knits said...
    The night photos are cool, and I think your wind catcher is really pretty.

    We had a spectacular and very unusual (for Seattle) thunderstorm last week. It continued on and off for a day or so. Fortunately this isn't tornado territory.

    Someone in a course I was taking recommended reading the US government's FDA regulations on drugs and devices to cure insomnia. ..I haven't tried it yet.
    Klozter said...
    What a beautiful result of a sleepless night! My night wasn't great, either, filled with meowing hungry cats and earworms that wouldn't cease -- glad to be up and about with my coffee!
    Joanna said...
    Love the windchime-catcher, I've still got alot of catching up to do in my abc along, just about to post my I! Found you in the Taurus Ravellers yesterday, visited Klotzer today, saw you there and decided to pop over and say Hi!
    RedScot said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    RedScot said...
    If you get the right gauge wire, then it's fine. I mistakenly thought that 24 gauge was smaller than 28 gauge when I was making the rose and that led to some very tender digits! It's surprisingly easy to knit and crochet with!
    Iron Needles said...
    Simpson's in French? Now there's something for the imagination!
    Cathy-Cate said...
    Pretty, shiny!
    Love your 'N'!
    Susan said...
    I love your night pictures, mine are always so disappointing. My grandmother loved thunderstorms and we always went out to the porch to watch them when I was with her so they only have good memories for me. Thanks for reminding me of that.
    penny said...
    I should have read your blog before assigning swap partners! I love your wind chime! Now where did I put my silver wire?? I know where all my beads are. (deltafine)

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